Postgres Vacuum Full

One detail to note about the Postgres vacuum is that it doesn’t not return the space it frees back to the OS. Instead, it only marks the space as free, so it can later be used new rows. That means if you have a 100GB and delete half the rows from it, it will still take up 100GB, even if you run VACUUM on it. To work around this problem, Postgres has a command VACUUM FULL.

VACUUM FULL takes an existing table and creates a completely new copy of the table. This will allow the OS to reclaim all of the free space previously used by rows, but it does have a few downsides. The current implementation of VACUUM FULL completely locks the table being vacuumed. That means you won’t be able to run queries or insert data into the table until the VACUUM FULL completes. In general, if you want to reclaim all of the empty space in a table, instead of using VACUUM FULL, you should look at pg_repack. The pg_repack extension is a Postgres extension that provides a command equivalent to VACUUM FULL that still allows you to run queries on the table being compacted.

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